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Poll: Που θα κλείσει ο ΓΔ στο τέλος του 2009?
Question: Που θα κλείσει ο ΓΔ στο τέλος του 2009?
• Κάτω από τις 2300 μονάδες
• 2301 - 2450
• 2451 - 2600
• 2601 - 2750
• 2751 - 2900
• Πάνω από τις 2901 μονάδες

Created at 11:37:29 AM 2009.11.10

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Comments (1)
I love how one of the main reasons we "paper" oerlvs stick to print books is the SMELL. Likely someone will have an "olfactory app" for that someday.That aside, I am happy that the world has broadened to make books available in alternate forms, but if e-books replace print completely, it may kill me.

by Susana 12:22:27 AM 2012.03.27
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