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Poll: What do you think of Hot Topic?
Question: What do you think of Hot Topic?
• the people in there are scary :(
• i didn't like it until they sold twlight stuff
• *scurries to American Eagle*
• Its pertty cool :)
• I don't hate it, its just not my kind of store
• Nah.
• only emo freaks go in there! >:(

Created at 06:06:21 PM 2009.07.09

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Comments (1)
It's a cool store. I like it a lot. But I went in there and I was wearing like american eagle, super short shorts and ppl kinda looked at me weird cuz im not a "scene kid" i just like 2 wear all different kinds of clothes. But i plan on going back cuz they have AWESOME stuff!

by Maya 09:56:51 AM 2009.08.26
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