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Poll: What is your favorite game genre?
Question: What is your favorite game genre?
• Shotting
• Adventure
• Fighting
• Racing
• Action
• Strategy
• Music
• Puzzle
• others

Created at 05:32:11 AM 2010.09.03

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Comments (1)
Occasional minor ITB issues (usually if I go to long wuhtoit running. Stretching helps greatly. Some sort of imbalance that at various points has muscles in my hips, glutes or my ITB on my right side slightly agitated.Overall my body deals really well with mileage increases and all. Followed the 10% rule. Never had much trouble. Notice that I could easily increase my long run distance by several miles (longest run to date is 9 miles) but my muscles are not ready. My heart may be all in, but it simply takes time and patience to adapt everything else.

by Luna 05:16:14 AM 2012.03.29
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