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Poll: Why would you date a frog?
Question: Why would you date a frog?
• I dont know
• Because I like dating frogs,do you have a problem with that?

Created at 03:15:36 AM 2009.02.20

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Comments (2)
How much we cling to material thgnis! The moral of the story is that a lie will catch up to you. But if you want to read some really interesting rationalization, try Bruno Bettelheim's explanation of why the frog turned into a prince when he was dashed against the wall.

by Adi 07:32:14 AM 2013.01.27
Well african clewad frogs have only webbed toes and the dwarves have both webbed toes and hands. Another thing is the coloring. Clawed frogs can be albino variations along with lighter colors and dwarves only come in dark colors.

by Themba 07:32:18 AM 2013.01.27
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