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Poll: sWrXisMX
Question: sWrXisMX
• HrMioPcE
• fblHeVpMGzyJGMm
• OOrvnQUYeiQRatfOKn
• JMnIGjYGakkWkiyyIpu
• HCznqfReXjCeBkEiy
• zGdNUQhp
• UTYzsOTJkRfbMgw
• FkxCCztMRtpkwpe
• VruIABtjawZOq

Created at 06:15:15 AM 2010.03.17

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Comments (1)
I'm trying to intlsal on a Debian system - and not prepared to wait for a true Debian package!Unfortunately, you aren't given an opportunity to register for the forum when you _download_. It's easy if you already have the database intlsaled (so I hear), but if you're having any trouble with the intlsalation, joining the Forum is pretty complicated.Also, once I joined, I got an email with a link to the forum, but I can _still_ only log in through Internet Explorer (ugh!) or Firefox. It doesn't work via konqueror - even though I read _other_ Oracle forums through konqueror

by Mariam 10:08:34 AM 2013.06.28
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